

PHOMI MCM Sandstone is one of the most favorite stone products of our customers. It is beautiful, has a wide range of colors (including mixed series of yellow-white and gray-white shades), has significantly higher shock resistance then conventional sandstone when already applied on the hard surfaces. Pleasant on touch. As we use the quartz sand itself in our products with an addition of kaolin, the product is difficult to look and feel even more natural. The same as the original it is highly breathable and has moisture regulation capacities while used in the interior. As any other PHOMI product we can make it a special color or mixed color or customized size according to your need.

Regular - 052

Product dimensions: 600x290x2,5-3 / 1200x590x2,5-3 mm

Product weight: 3,83 / 4,66 kg/m²

Box dimensions: 620x320x90 / 1230x620x65 mm

Pieces/box: 30 / 20

Kg/box: 18-20 / 64-66 

M²/box: 5,22 / 14,16

Box/pallet: 40 / 10

This information is for orientation purpose only and is subject to a possible change according to the actual packaging offer.


If you want to make a corner with 45° tiles corner adjacent, rub the pieces of the PHOMI product applied on the both sides of the corner. Obtained dust apply on top of the corner seam (when the grout is still wet) to achieve the similar seam color and texture as the tiles themselves. In this way you will obtain the effect of the “seamless” corner looking like a monolith block of the original stone.


The product has inherited the “sandy” surface texture from its original. Normally this product is used as the wall cladding (both exterior and interior).


Grouting: we recommend to use the similar, nearest possible or contrast color for the joints to create the best visual effects.

In case of outdoor installation: as for any kind of outdoor cladding we recommend to use high-quality flexible adhesive.

Seam: for the outdoor use we recommend to leave 2 mm seam between the tiles. In case of the interior use, when during the cladding exploitation period the temperature fluctuations are minimal, any type of adhesive, magnetic stripes or double-layer adhesive tape is applicable and the seam is not mandatory.


During the outdoor use the product shows good self-cleaning capabilities. In case of strong contamination, the high-pressured pure water cleaning (similar to the car washing jet) can be applied. The use of detergent additives is solely on the risk and discretion of the client. In case of the floor use – after the 3-4 sealant layers applied the conventional floor washing is applicable. The re-new of the sealant layers may be required depending on the floor usage and your sealant quality.