Brick facade

Brick facade

Gives the feeling of another era

Restored-style block with strongly embossed surfaces and irregular perimeter shape without defined finishes at the corners, gives the surfaces it covers the sense of space that comes from another era.

Attica Brick
Attica Brick

Brick with strongly embossed surfaces and irregular perimeter shape giving the feeling of originating from another era


Attica Rustic
Attica Rustic

Cladding brick of two different dimensions perfectly combined with strongly embossed surfaces and irregular finishes. It perfectly combines the industrial with the traditional style.



A timeless material, which you can apply perfectly on any surface of your home. The huge volume of our brick projects prove the perfection in the final result, as well as its acceptance by the consumer public as the best choice.


Euro Brick
Euro Brick

Decorative brick, English type, with minimal textured surface and square right angles, ideal for minimal and classic spaces.


Smooth Brick
Smooth brick

A brick that gives off a classic, yet contemporary-looking style, thanks to the right angles on its finishes.
