Διαθέσιμα χρώματα: κόκκινο, γκρίζο, κίτρινο, καφέ
BBQ MM1 - Half
- The construction consists of prefabricated concrete in the natural colour of the concrete.
- The exits for fumes are at the front and back by default, there is the possibility for alterations.
- Includes safety support stand for individual parts (B)
- ** In the 150 size the upper part consists of a metal construction with magnum board coating with white finish and the hat as shown in the photo. (A) There is a ready-made slot for a funnel Φ25

M1 84
- W1: 70 cm.
- W2: 84 cm.
- Weight: 700 kg,
M1 110
- W1: 96 cm.
- W2 110 cm.
- Weight: 812 kg.
M1 128
- W1: 114 cm.
- W2: 128 cm.
- Weight: 924 kg.
M1 150
- W1: 136 cm.
- W2: 150 cm.
- Weight: 615 kg.